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  Studio Albums:

the Tumults of War Will Subside
Album Information

California EP
Album Information

Where to Buy Asher Music:

» iTunes Music Store
Apple's iTunes has quickly become the most popular way to purchase music downloads.  All of Asher's music is featured on iTunes.  If iTunes is already installed on your computer, click here.  If not, you can down iTunes for free, click here.


Single handedly, the most successful online music store for independent artists.  CD Baby writes checks for millions of dollars to the artists and thanks to CD Baby's incredibly massive following, Asher has sold it's music all over the world.


Before you ask your friend to burn you a copy of your favorite CD, think about the fact that you are robbing your favorite artist of their paycheck.  Artists make their living off CD sales and if you don't buy their CD, they don't get paid.  Plus, it's illegal.

So honor your favorite artist and pay for their music!

If you want to read more about piracy laws, then visit the Recording Industry Association of America.

{ © 2005 Vertical Artist Productions }